'What's Next' Bootcamp - AUGUST 30th & 31st @ 10:00 AM - 4 PM CST
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Register By {{MMM}} {{D}}, {{YYYY}} & Claim a FREE Ticket For A Friend
For The Successful Entrepreneurs Wondering…

“What’s Next?!?!”

…Giving You A Direct Path To More Income, More Control, More Freedom, and More Fulfillment

If You’ve Created A 6 Or 7-Figure Business Already, But Can’t Stop Wondering “What’s Next?!” then I’ve created this event specifically for you…

Your Discount Ends In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

For The Multi-6 & 7 Figure Earners Wondering…

“What’s Next?!”

For The Successful Entrepreneurs Wondering…

“What’s Next?!?!”

…Giving You A Direct Path To More Income, More Control, More Freedom, and More Fulfillment

If you’ve Created A 6 or 7-Figure business already, but can’t stop wondering “What’s Next?!” then I’ve created this event specifically for you…

Event Starts In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

You’ve Hit The Mult-6 and 7-Figure Mark in Your Current Business/Career...

But You Can’t Stop Wondering, “What’s Next?!”...

From The Desk of Coach Burt

RE: “What’s Next?!”

From The Desk of Coach Burt

RE: “What’s Next?!”
There comes a point in your journey where you’ve achieved success…

You’ve made the money…

And you’ve created the lifestyle…

Yet you go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning with the same burning feelings in the pit of your stomach…

“Is this all life has to offer?...”

“I thought I’d be so much happier and fulfilled than I am now?...”

“I lost the drive and passion for what I’m doing, should I even be doing it anymore?...”

Now you can’t help but wonder…“What’s Next?…”

But no matter how many times you ask yourself that question…

You can’t seem to get the clarity you need to know what your next big play should be.

If this sounds familiar then read carefully…

Because this may be the most important page you read this year.

You see, I’ve been coaching people for over 31 years.

That’s a long time to study human behavior.

And with a sample size in the hundreds of thousands…

You start to see the same “recurring problems” and “missing structures” that are holding people back from not just reaching their next level…

…but finding fulfillment and happiness in what they’ve been working so hard to accomplish.

For many people, their business has become their life and everything else is second.

I know because I’ve been one of them.

Over the years I’ve faced a ton of problems when building, growing, and scaling an 8 figure coaching company while raising three kids and being a loving husband to my amazing wife.

And to solve these problems it all came down to one thing…

Finding clarity on “What’s Next”...

Sadly many operate in confusion - randomness in motion - and aren’t clear about what their next big move needs to be.

Because in a world of distraction and information overload…

It appears the search for clarity seems forever elusive.

The truth is, it’s easier than you think…
But you need a structure and tools to help you get there.

And that’s why the “What's Next?” 2-Day Bootcamp exists today…

To help you get bulletproof clarity on where you are, where you want to go, and what your next big play should be to get you fired back up and re-engaged in your mission in a meaningful way.

During the two days we’ll spend together we’ll dissect what I call the CSE Framework.

 We’ll take a look at big philosophical questions - like what’s your purpose, meaning, and talents?... 
 You’ll start to answer tactical questions - how are you going to hit your monthly revenue numbers?...
 And you’ll start shifting your focus to happiness and the purpose of the business - which is to serve your life, not run your life…
By the time we’re done, you’ll have crystal clear clarity on where you are...

Where you want to go...

And a step-by-step roadmap to get you there in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

And for less than a date night…

You can take the next step towards getting clear by claiming your ticket to the 2-day event right now.

Just click the button below and claim your spot.

During The Two Days We’ll Uncover The Three Stages For Ultimate Clarity & Direction In Life and Business

Here’s how it works…

What We’ll Be Covering

Each Day Is Designed To Take You Through Each Stage of The CSE Framework

Putting You Back In The Driver Seat of Your Life and Business

Day 1: The Pursuit to Total Clarity On What’s Next For You

Day 1: The Pursuit to Total Clarity 
On What’s Next For You

By the end of Day One, you’ll have crystal clear clarity that will revolutionize your journey towards success. Here's what we'll be covering:

 Unveil the power of clarity, freeing yourself from confusion and randomness in motion, enabling you to set clear, focused goals and forge a path of purpose.
 Navigate the success trap with precision, avoiding overwhelm and ensuring you make progress toward your dreams without being weighed down by too many distractions.
 Unlock the secret to your maximum potential by identifying your "magic number," the critical measure that propels you toward greatness and accelerates your achievements.
 Harness your primary skill into highly profitable and enjoyable vehicles, opening doors to both financial abundance and personal fulfillment.
 Explore "The B," encompassing the tangible and intangible elements that drive your success, creating a harmonious and thriving life.
 Embrace the power of "Because Goals," understanding the deep emotional reasons that fuel your actions, igniting an unwavering drive for accomplishment.

Day 2: Mastering the Art of Strategizing & Executing On Your Dreams

Day Two of this life-changing event is all about taking action and
making your dreams a reality. Here's what we'll cover:

Day Two of this life-changing event is all about taking action and making your dreams a reality. Here's what we'll cover:

 Unlocking the power of laser-focused productivity, allowing you to prioritize and concentrate on the most crucial tasks that bring you closer to your goals, while freeing yourself from distractions that hinder your success.
 Identifying and seizing the golden opportunities that can propel you to greater achievements, bringing you to greater fulfillment and growth.
 Mastering the art of strategic networking, connecting with the right people who can become valuable allies on your journey, providing vital support and access to endless possibilities.
 How to harness the persuasive force of presenting your unique value to others, drawing in like-minded individuals who share your vision and goals, creating powerful partnerships for mutual success.
 The secret to staying relentlessly committed and focused on your path from where you are now to where you aspire to be, making each day a stepping stone towards the realization of your dreams.
 Recognizing the profound impact of every action you take, understanding how each move contributes to your overall achievements, empowering you to make purposeful choices that align with your ultimate success.

Are You Ready To Stop Wandering Aimlessly And Get The Clarity You Need On Your Next Big Play?

Secure Your Spot Right Now!

AUGUST 30th & 31ST @ 10:00 AM CST

Are You Ready To Stop Wandering Aimlessly And Get The Clarity You Need On Your Next Big Play?

Secure Your Spot Right Now!

AUGUST 30th & 31ST @ 10:00 AM CST

If You Relate To Any of The Following Statements Then…

The “What’s Next” Bootcamp Was Created To Give You Clarity On Your Next Big Play

 You've reached a level of success in your business or career most will never see (multi-6 and 7-figures), but have found yourself bored and unfulfilled with your current venture...
 You want to achieve victory and conquer your championship dreams, defining success on your own terms…
 You've hit the multi-6 and 7-figure mark in your business but want passive income exceeding your living expenses, giving you the ability to live life on your own schedule…
 You want to claim your dream home, whether it's by the ocean, in the mountains, or boasting a breathtaking backyard, so you can indulge in true serenity…
 You want to eliminate traffic stress by having a personal driver, ensuring you arrive at your destination calmly and in control…
 You want to fly private and escape the emotional burden of public air travel, relishing in the luxury and comfort it offers…
 You want to lead a healthy, happy, and profitable life, embracing abundance and success in all aspects…
 You want to look and feel amazing, exuding confidence as you maintain a fit and attractive appearance…
 You want to cultivate meaningful relationships, pursue your passions, and discover spiritual enlightenment, finding true fulfillment and purpose…
 [Input your big aspirations and goals here]...

If You Found Yourself Thinking “YES! That’s Me!”

Then The What’s Next Bootcamp Was Made Just For You And When You Attend You’ll Finally…

 Master the art of effective goal-setting and learn how to break down your aspirations into actionable steps, propelling you toward your championship-level success with precision and focus.
 Enjoy the clarity you get from taking the time to get clear toward your bigger future and start the process of finding who can help you get there quicker
 Feel the exhilaration as you break free from distractions, making space for profound personal growth and unlocking the potential for rapid progress towards your biggest goals.
 Know that anytime you want to UPGRADE your lifestyle (meaning, a bigger house, more vacations, or sending your kids to a private school)... you just need to embrace the proven strategies from the "What's Next" Bootcamp, taking charge of your financial future with confidence and ease.

Trusted By the Top Coaches and Experts…

Here’s What Others Have to Say 
About Working With Coach Burt...

Here’s What Others Have to Say About Working With Coach Burt...

“With Coach Burt, I've gained over 100 new customers”
Justin Myers, Signs By Veterans

“Coach Burt and his system have changed my business from top to bottom"
Jonathan, Frost, J.D Frost & Co.

“Coach Burt's system helped my business get a 67% increase in the first year”
Jay Cash, The Auctioneer

“Walking away I have a goal and a plan on how I'm going to monetize my message"
Dave Coble, Springfield, MO

"I went from 24 deals to 52 deals working with Coach Burt"
Blake Weaver, Lafayette, LA

“The most incredible 2 days I've ever experienced as an author"
David Strauss, Denver, CO

When You Claim Your Ticket Today 

You’ll Also Get A Handful of Powerful Bonuses Designed To Amplify Your Results From The Freedom Formula


The Clarity Playbook

The Step-By-Step Playbook For Unlocking Crystal Clear Clarity Around Your Next BIG Play


1:1 Clarity Call

Sit Down With One of Our Expert Coaches As They Help You Guide You To Clarity Before The Event Even Starts


Exclusive Event Community

Get the Chance to Network With Other High-Income Players On The Same Journey As You

That Means When You Claim Your Ticket To The 2-Day Bootcamp Right Now You're Getting...

 2-Day All Access Pass To The "What's Next" Bootcamp ($2,997)
 The Clarity Playbook - The Step-By-Step Playbook For Unlocking Crystal Clear Clarity Around Your Next BIG Play ($197)
 The 1:1 Clarity Call - Sit Down With One of Our Expert Coaches As They Help You Guide You To Clarity Before The Event Even Starts ($997)
 The Exclusive Event Community - Get the Chance to Network With Other High-Income Players On The Same Journey As You ($297)

Everyday Value: $4,488

General Admission Pricing: $297

Special Pricing: ONLY $97!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Let’s Be Real…

The Investment To Attend The 2-Day “What’s Next” Bootcamp Is A Needle In A Haystack Compared To What You’re Going To Get From Attending…

Not only is attending going to get you total clarity on your next big play…
It’s going to allow you to take back control of your life so you can live in a state of unmatched purpose, fulfillment, and happiness…

You’re going to reignite your prey drive (the #1 driver behind every millionaire and billionaire I’ve ever spoken to) and have a renewed burst of energy and motivation for what you’re working towards (you know, the one you had when you first got into this game)…

You’re going to know exactly who you need to bring in to free up your time so you can focus on the parts of your business that bring you peace and joy…

…all while giving you the time you need to never miss another date night with your spouse or one of your children's sports games.
Not only is attending going to get you total clarity on your next big play…
It’s going to allow you to take back control of your life so you can live in a state of unmatched purpose, fulfillment, and happiness…

You’re going to reignite your prey drive (the #1 driver behind every millionaire and billionaire I’ve ever spoken to) and have a renewed burst of energy and motivation for what you’re working towards (you know, the one you had when you first got into this game)…

You’re going to know exactly who you need to bring in to free up your time so you can focus on the parts of your business that bring you peace and joy…

…all while giving you the time you need to never miss another date night with your spouse or one of your children's sports games.
So let me ask you this…

If all this did was breathe new life into what you’re doing by putting you in the right direction to accomplish your life’s true purpose…

Would it be worth it to you?

If the answer is yes, then now is the time to take the next step…

Ready to Gain a MASSIVE CLARITY over the next 2 days?

Let's Sum Up What You Can Expect From The What's Next Bootcamp

Before Attending

  • ​You’re stuck at a multi-6 or 7 figure plateau and you're not quite sure how to move to 7 or 8 figures...
  • ​You’re lacking direction on your next big move because you don’t have clarity around where you’re trying to go…
  • You’re bored with what you’re currently doing and want more fulfillment and excitement in your day to day life…
  • You’re caught in the success trap trying to do too many things at once and end up doing nothing…
  • You know you can go BIGGER, you’re just not sure where to take the next step…
  • You’re a slave to your business wearing 100 hats because you haven’t uncovered the "One Thing" you’re best at and the people you need to get you there…

After Attending

  • You have a roadmap to scale and break through the glass ceiling you've been experiencing...
  • ​You have crystal-clear clarity on your next big play and a direct game-plan to guide you towards your ultimate destination…
  • You’ve rekindled the passion and purpose in what you’re pursuing and now you have achieved deep fulfillment and excitement about your goals…
  • ​You've acquired the tools and strategies to shatter your ceiling, break free from the success trap, and soar into your next level of success focusing on the most impactful tasks…
  • You have a total clarity on your new direction pursuing opportunities that align with your true purpose...
  • You've honed in on the "One Thing" you're best at, allowing you to find the “Who” you need to delegate tasks to so you can focus on what truly drives your success...

Before You Go, I Want To Leave You 
With One Final Word…

Before You Go, I Want To Leave You With One Final Word…

We both know hesitation is the enemy of progress.

It’s killed more dreams than we could count in a lifetime.

That’s why right here, right now is your defining moment. 

The choice is yours and only yours to make.

You can either settle for the status quo… 

Continuing to go around in circles coasting through life knowing deep down you should be doing much more with it…

Or you can seize the opportunity to live your life on purpose.

Waking up every morning with absolute clarity and unstoppable determination…. 
All because you took one step forward and committed to breaking free from the chains of confusion and doubt…

And embraced a life where fulfillment and success go hand-in-hand.

All of this is within grasp, but it takes commitment.

Not just a commitment for today…

A commitment for the rest of your life…

Because if you’re not going to do it when it’s easy and right in front of you…

When will you do it?

The answer is almost always never.

Will you look back on today with a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach as you think about how you should’ve attended this event?

Or will you go to sleep at night knowing that you did something about it when you still had time.

In 30-days you can be nothing more than 30 days older…

Or you could be on your way to living out your true purpose.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Then click the button below right now and claim your ticket right now.

Still Have Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

+I don't have time for this. What will I actually walk away with?

Not having time is a 6 figure mentality. If you're serious about creating a 7 figure income and lifestyle, then you can't afford to miss this.

You're going to walk away from this with a personalized plan to generate 7 figures in 2022. If you want to keep playing small, then don't register 🙂

+When Is The Event?

The 7 Rules To 7 Figures LIVE Event is on Friday November 12th, 2021
9:00AM to 5:00 PM PST
10:00AM to 6:00PM MST
11:00AM to 7:00PM CST
12:00PM to 8:00PM EST

+Where is it taking place?

When you register for the event you will get the access details via email. Then, on the day of the event ( Friday, November 12th, 2021 ) you will join us on Zoom. If you do NOT get an email please email admin@peterjvoogd.com

+Will recordings be available?

Unfortunately, there are absolutely no recordings. This is a one-day, one-time training that is intended to be experienced LIVE and therefore we won't be giving out any recordings.

+Is there any money-back guarantee for it?

Yes! Email admin@peterjvoogd.com before the event ends if the 7 Rules To 7 Figures Live Event doesn't KNOCK your socks off (figuratively speaking) and we will give you a full refund.

+Can I get my money back if I'm unable to attend?

The money-back guarantee only applies if you attend, and are not satisfied. There are no refunds if you miss the event.

+Will I get to interact and ask Peter questions?

Yes! There will be dedicated Q&A sessions where you'll get to interact and engage with Peter to ask him specific questions about your business and life.

+Who is Peter and why should I listen to him?

Peter started his first business at the age of fifteen. His irrefutable passion and determination delivered him, through success and failure alike, from broke to 6 figures by 23 and multi-millionaire by 26.

Today, Peter Voogd is revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs do business, helping millions of his followers succeed for themselves while living life on their own terms. His podcasts, videos, websites, and social media reach more than 2 million people monthly.

Peter has been recognized by Entrepreneur.com as the world's leading authority for millennials and entrepreneurs. An international bestselling author three times over, his previous book 6 months to 6 figures has sold over 800,000 copies.

Peter also founded the prestigious Game Changer's Academy—the premier networking community for entrepreneurs and leaders worldwide—as well as "The Young Entrepreneur Lifestyle," podcast which is ranked as one of iTunes top business podcasts.

Now It’s Time To Commit

Take the Last Step You’ll Ever Need to Reignite Your Purpose and Unlock Your Next Level

AUGUST 30th & 31ST @ 10:00 AM CST

Now It’s Time To Commit

Take the Last Step You’ll Ever Need to Reignite Your Purpose and Unlock Your Next Level

AUGUST 30th & 31ST @ 10:00 AM CST

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